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Prof. Dr. Alexander Peine

Beneficiary Partner

Alexander Peine

I am a Full Professor of Culture, Innovation and Communication at the Open Universiteit. My research links two pertinent societal developments (i) population ageing, including the challenges it allegedly poses for care and health systems, and (ii) technological change, including the push towards more interactive and ‘smarter’ technologies. In simple terms, one could say I study what population ageing means for the way we organise and direct technology and innovation, and, vice versa, how technology and innovation have come to shape how we age and how we imagine the future of health and care. In this research, I like to combine the theories and methods of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Social Gerontology or Age Studies.

I am also the founding chair of the Socio-gerontechnology Network and the chair of the societal advisory board of the EU’s Joint Programming Initiative “More Years, Better Lives” (JPI-MYBL). Before joining the Open University, I was an Associate Professor at Utrecht University, the laureate of a prestigious Max Weber post-doctoral fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence, and a Principal Investigator at Berlin University of Technology.

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