DR8: | Philippa Winship (she/her) |
Project Title: | Transforming the experience of Ageing in Place: Social Innovation & co-production to promote the rights and voices of older adults in Greater Manchester |
Host: | The University of Manchester |
Primary Supervisor: | Professor Tine Buffel |
Supervisor/mentors: | Professor Vanessa May (University of Manchester) Paul McGarry, (Greater Manchester Combined Authority - GMCA) Dr. Mark Hammond (Manchester Metropolitan University - MMU), and Dr. Alexander Peine (Open University) |
Working as part of the Rights and Voice work package, I am exploring the experience of ageing in areas undergoing urban regeneration and the role of participatory processes for ageing in place. My research uses a combination of ethnographic and participatory methods, inspired by the collaborative approach of the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG).
I have recently completed an Erasmus Mundus MSc in Urban Studies (4 Cities) across universities in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, and Madrid. I am passionate about applying interdisciplinary approaches to understand urban issues, having studied Human Geography (BA) at the University of York before studying Sustainability (MRes) within the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath.
This project will feature two secondments. Secondment 1 at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Ageing Hub with Paul McGarry involves exploring how policy makers and professional stakeholders understand and integrate age-friendly principles within urban regeneration projects. The goal of this policy secondment is to produce a policy brief about the opportunities and challenges of integrating age-friendly principles across different policy domains.
Secondment 2 with Professor Matthias Drilling at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland will focus on understanding the governance of age-friendly policy and urban regeneration projects.
Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group: https://www.micra.manchester.ac.uk/muarg/about/people/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/pippawinship
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