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Luise (Lu) Stoisser

DR 1

Brief Bio 

I am an interdisciplinary researcher from Vienna, with a particular interest in the intersections of ageing and place. As a Doctoral Researcher with the HOMeAGE project, my work explores how various community-based housing projects in Vienna and Manchester enable older residents to maintain, negotiate, and express their identities. I focus on the lived experiences of diverse older adults in sheltered and co-housing developments for lower- and middle-income groups, employing participatory photography as a core methodology. Additionally, I examine how these housing initiatives are integrated into broader city governance structures related to care and housing, and investigate how cities are planning for affordable and inclusive community-based housing projects in the future.

More broadly, my research bridges urban geography and ageing studies. I am particularly interested in the interconnections between ageing people and places, with a focus on minoritized groups and housing. While I specialize in interpretative methodologies, I also have experience with quantitative data analysis. For example, I worked with CBS microdata on residential mobility for the Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving in the Netherlands. I hold a Research Master’s in Social Sciences from the University of Amsterdam, where I received comprehensive training in both qualitative and quantitative research methods, with a focus on mixed-methods approaches.

Research Interests 

urban ageing, geographies of ageing, housing studies, geographical gerontology, geographies of sexuality, critical gerontology, spatial justice

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